Top Cap Dispensing System With 3 Axis Tab Folding | Phoenix
Some competitive technology still uses a simple fixed finger vertically driven design to fold caps. This old system relies more on guesswork than on providing an accurate and repeatable electro-mechanical performance. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? • You are let to guess if the pallet is in the right spot to ensure that the system folds the tabs and not damage the product. • Works only with single load sizes and the customer is responsible to ensure proper location of pallet in wrapper. • It will fold or damage whatever it meets under it when driven down. • Has a tendency pull the top cap up when retracting at end of cycle. The evolution of Top Cap application technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Axis Tab folding design provides maximum flexibility without damaging product. Ensures that the system locates the pallet, folds against the pallet edge and does not lift the top cap when retracting. Works with different pallet load sizes. Includes magazine system with automatic full pallet loading with "Opti Positioning". A wear proof slip coating is applied to ensure clean long term tab folding without top caps being pulled out while retracting. Call us toll free at 1-833-490-9727 to have your price quotation ready in minutes! Learn more about our PRRA rotary ring wrapper series here: