Stretch Wrapper With Film Slitting Option For Wrapping Produce Products | Phoenix
Produce products are shipped and transported in crates and cartons. Because of its impact- and pressure-sensitivity, the fruit or vegetables has to be handled with appropriate care. The load must be properly ventilated and protected from moisture, as there is otherwise a risk of premature spoilage and damage. Adopting the Phoenix High Profile Stretch Wrapper equipped with the Breathe Easy Film Slitter in his packaging line, the customer is now provided with an efficient and cost effective solution for those specific requirements. The customer can now use standard stretch film, (no special film ventilated/netting is required) saving him thousands of dollars every year. The final result is a wrapped load that has the required load retention to keep the pallet safe during transport while having enough air gaps to allow the load to "Breathe Easy", keeping the product fresh and condensation free. Call us toll free at 1-833-490-9727 to have your price quotation ready in minutes! Learn more about Phoenix Breathe Easy Film Slitter here: