Rotary Ring Wrapper With Film Slitter For The Produce Industry | Phoenix
Agriculture professionals aim to deliver the freshest fruits and vegetables while protecting their produce from any damaging impacts. In order for produce to breathe and remain fresh, they can’t be completely wrapped. This would be equivalent to taking freshly picked grapes and sealing them in plastic bag. Within a short period of time, these grapes would spoil. To solve this problem Phoenix engineered and developed the Breathe Easy Film Slitter to provide a cost effective solution where air flow is required to help prevent condensation from building up under the film. The Breathe Easy Film Slitter slice the film into 3 or more individual bands than can be adjusted in width. Ideal for products that require air flow, heat dissipation and condensation/moisture prevention (such as produce, flowers, dairy products etc..). Call us toll free at 1-833-490-9727 to have your price quotation ready in minutes! Learn more about this automatic pallet wrapper system here:
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