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Rotary Ring Stretch Wrapper For Beverage Distributors
The Phoenix Automatic Rotary Ring Stretch Wrapper is ideal for high-volume operations that run around the clock. This high-speed, versatile machine can wrap up to 70 loads per hour.
The video shows the PRRA-4000, which can do 40 RPM. Essentially, this automatic stretch wrapping machine is faster than 95 percent of the stretch wrappers on the market today. (If that type of speed isn’t necessary for your business, the PRRA-2100 Rotary Ring is identical in almost every way except for rotation speed – 21 RPM.)
Its high-speed capabilities is not the only benefit to the Rotary Ring. The advantage to this set up is the opportunity to save on stretch film costs. What sets the Rotary Ring design apart from conventional wrappers (turntable, rotary arm) is the ability to end the cycle anywhere along the wrap, cutting out unnecessary rotations and wasted stretch film.
The video features a standard wrap cycle. The wrap begins at the bottom of the load and is cut, sealed and completed at the top of the load. In contrast, with conventional stretch wrappers, the wrap has to return to the bottom of the load to be completed, which expends needless stretch film along the way.
The Rotary Ring allows for flexibility based on application and need. For example, many beverage distributors are within 100 miles of their delivery locations. With a short trans time, a full wrap on the pallet isn’t necessary. With the Phoenix Rotary Ring, a few turns of stretch film can be applied at the top of the load to keep the load secure for the short trip. The result is a significant savings in stretch film costs, often in the thousands of dollars over the course of a year.
This type of stretch wrapping machine suits high-volume operations, particularly in the food and beverage industries.
Request a quote today!
Potential Industries: Beverage, Food Services.