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Forklift Loaded High Profile Pallet Wrapper for Stone

The Phoenix PHP-2150

This group ships out veneer stones all across North America and needed an entry-level wrapper that could accommodate this dust-filled plant along with the weights of the stones. The PHP-2150 is a high profile pallet stretch wrapper which is great for the stone and brick industry. There are many options to change the standard controls that accommodate any environment. In this case, we needed a NEMA enclosure to protect the controls from this dusty environment. Our stretch wrappers fit the needs of many heavy-duty products like the brick and block industry. Read more about our solutions by visiting our brick & block side of our site.  There are other heavy-duty high profile pallet stretch wrapper applications including the shipping of pavestone, bagged cement, etc. where the load requires containment and protection. Request a quote today!


You can go to our Phoenix Wrappers Youtube Channel to see our complete line of pallet stretch wrappers

Do you have an application that you would like us to look at? Please give us a call. 1-833-490-9727 or contact us.

For more information about this or other applications, please visit our website.

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Machine Sales: 1-833-490-9727

Parts & Service: 1-833-737-1234

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